Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Facebook Fan Giveaway..

We want you as a Facebook Fan!

Until November 7th, we will be giving away a Collector Scribulz Coins to everyone that becomes a Scribulz Fan. We will also give an additional coin away for each referral that joins.

For example, if you become a FB fan and then get 9 other people to join we will send you 10 Collector Scribulz coins absolutely free!!

It's easy..
1) http://www.facebook.com/pages/Scribulz/101597283099
2) add a wall posting introducing yourself as a new fan
3) if you have been referred, please also mention their name so that they can get recognition for an additional Collector Coin.

thats it!

We look forward to having new fans join and being able to share a little Scribbling with you :)