Friday, January 8, 2010

Balance in your Daily Decision-Making

Blue or Red pill...Which would you choose? You may have heard this question being asked from The Matrix movie, but it can also apply to normal life. There have been many times we have been force to choose between two paths or items. Sometimes we have more information than others to help make the decision...sometimes not and we need to make the call quickly. Does having more time to make the choice make a difference? or does it just add more confusion in what to do?

Our choices in life are directly related to our own experiences and knowledge and we sometimes call it intuition. Usually we know what we will do within the first few seconds, but will stew over things and analyze further. Why? Because we doubt ourselves and the possibility of failing to make the right decision.

Where am I going with this? Nowhere specifically, but just believe that listening to our inner self more is probably the better course and to not doubt our sub-conscious ability to help us. What usually happens when you encounter something hazardous all of a sudden? Like a driver cuts you off on the highway. Your mind takes over and you go into auto-pilot. You don't have time to analyze and make a choice, but you know that the best course of action will be taken to avert the danger.

I am not saying to only use this way of choosing, but create more balance in what can be decided with relatively little thought and those that do require more thoughtful planning.

In the realm of creative advertising, we find that in that space of initial thought and choice is where the magic happens. The over-analyzing, statistics gathering, and trending sometimes gets in the way of giving the gift of creative fun advertising to who matters the most....our customers and helping them achieve further success.